
First Day of Kindergarten

On the way to school

Lining up to go to class
In Class- We love you Sis!!!

Today was Taylor's first day of Kindergarten. She has so anticipated this day that she woke up on her own today before 6 am, came in our room and woke her Daddy up and said "Daddy, I'm going to school today, I have to hurry up and get ready so I don't be late." All in All Taylor had a really good first day, before she even made it to the classroom she had already made 2 friends. Too bad this enthusiasm for school doesn't last all 13 years. =)


Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Enjoy seeing pics of the kids and of course ginger. I do miss hearing about ariel. I am so glad that Taylor had a great day. And not surprised to hear that she made freinds. She didn't get that from me. Taylor must have got your early bird genes. That isn't from my side either must be your dad genes. PJ doesn't have the early bird genes either he got that from me. HA HA PJ. But maybe she will always be an early person like you were and not be hard to get going in the AM. Keep up the blogging I so love to "Hear/See" you all. Love Mom

PJ said...

Why, when Mother posts on my blog, she calls herself "mother." When she posts here, she calls herself "mom"? Is it, like, an alter ego or something? Strange!

Anyways, tell Taylor congrats on Kindergarten! "...so I don't be late." That cracks me up! And, for the record, if our experience with Lex is any indication, by Thursday, when you go in to wake her up for school, she'll say something like...

"Unghhh...leave me 'lone!"...Sound familiar?

Love you guys!

PJ said...

Oh! One more thing...

This has nothing to do with Taylor's first day at school, but I couldn't help but notice the picture at the bottome of your homepage...

Is that your front yard? If so, you might want to call someone; it looks like you have a severe gopher problem...

Anonymous said...

Mom- hey I'm glad your enjoying the blog. Yeah, I guess on school days it would be nice for Tay to be a early bird, but it will be the pitts if she decides to still get up early on saturday's. Love ya Lots!

I guess mom realizes that your blog is sophisticated, ours isn't. Yep- your probably right she will be telling me "just 5 more minutes mom" or "you make me Mad!" HaHa
No Way! although beautiful I try to stay as far away from the grand canyon as possible. I am petrified of heights. But don't you think thats a pretty picture? Shane took it when we went there on Thanksgiving last year. Love you guys!

SheGazelle said...

Hey! Great to see you blogging! It's just crazy to me to see kids of kids I went to school with going to school! Did that make sense? :-)

P.S. I scrolled down to see the "gopher problem", and I just lost it!

Anonymous said...

hey glad you stopped by to visit our blog. Yeah I know, its crazy how much time has went by since I was @ TTCS. by the way I enjoy reading your blog, and am looking forward to getting started on our TMM which we will begin in the next couple weeks.

Katie Booker said...

Hey Deanna,
I have to agree with Shegazelle, it is so crazy to see all the TTCS"ers" with kids going to school now! Its kinda sad that they won't ever get to go to school together! (then again..maybe not..lol..imagine the stories we would get!)

Keep up the blogging! I love stopping by!